Have you ever gotten the impression that Apple is some kind of cult? It seems to me that a lot of Mac users are ravenously defensive of their OperatingSystem and are constantly trying to convert people. Not to mention all of the fluffy self-help-esque pep-talking, such as in MacOsx...
Cult members: slavishly follow the teachings of their glorious leader/Messiah, hanging on his every word
Mac users: slavishly follow the teachings of SteveJobs, hanging on his every word
Cult members: the leader has a RealityDistortionField
Mac users: SteveJobs has a RealityDistortionField
Cult members: gladly pay large sums to the cult as a condition of salvation
Mac users: gladly pay large sums to Apple as a condition of getting hardware
Cult members: dress all in white (it was orange before The Leader changed his mind)
Mac users: have all their devices in white (it was translucent blue before SteveJobs changed his mind)
Cult members: worship in temple-like facilities being created rapidly around the world
Mac users: worship in temple-like Apple Stores being created rapidly around the world
If Apple is a cult, Microsoft is a religion - the only difference between the two being market share. (Linux, of course, is the radical extremist sect of the other major religion.)
Is there some way i can get tax breaks out of this? -- TomAnderson