Empty Oceans Syndrome

last modified: April 11, 2005

EmptyOceansSyndrome is a page to illustrate why people should be concerned with the lack of attention with Externalities (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Externalities).

There have been numerous TV programs by now (2004) which inform people that our oceans are being deprived of edible fish stock. Reports are claiming even high tech driven international fishing fleets have ever diminishing tonnage in recent years, from all around the world.

Maybe there are ways we can encourage governments in our respective lands to greatly increase priorities in devising longterm effective strategies with Externalities, in a peaceful manner.

And at an individual level we may want to force ourselves to open up to the unpleasant realities, so that we do not have to be faced up to bigger problems in future.

It's also interesting that shortly after a movie (The Day After Tomorrow - NOT the Heinlein story) comes out pointing out (or sensationalizing, depending on your perspective) some possible side effects of global warming (specifically, melting of the polar icecap changes ocean salinity, thereby altering ocean currents and removing the temperate influence of the GulfStream on northern Europe) there is an international convention in Iceland to discuss that very topic and possibility.

There is also the real possibility that a longer ice-free season will lead to the extinction of polar bears who will starve without the ice as a platform for them to hunt seals from.

Yea, because polar bears are what we should be worried about.

See also TragedyOfTheCommons

