Ellen Vanderslice

last modified: July 27, 2004

Ellen, AreYouThere? Orphan, last edit 2002-01-21

mailed 27.07.04 AreYouThere

Okay, so EllenVanderslice is one of those people who inadvertently clobbered the recent visitors list, being new to an interactive Web site. I hope I have more or less restored it...

I am currently managing the Pedestrian Master Plan project for the City of Portland, Oregon, Office of Transportation. Why am I here? We are interested in interactive Web sites and would like to use this kind of technology for public outreach.

The Pedestrian Transportation Program will soon have a Web page as part of the Office of Transportation Web site [http://www.trans.ci.portland.or.us/]. In the meantime, I can be reached by email: mailto:ellen@syseng.ci.portland.or.us

