In the spirit of RoadMaps, here's one to collect references to pages about Enterprise Java Beans.
EJB Spec and Tech
- EnterpriseJavaBeans - the first page at this site on the topic? from the ComponentDesignPatterns folks?
- ContainerManagedPersistence - cites EJB and non-EJB examples of the idea
- ComponentManagedPersistence - ditto
- ContainerIndependence - the great hope for EJB apps in theory. What about in practice? Let's have a ContainerIndependenceDiscussion
- EnterpriseJavaBeansServers - Some EjbServers and PickingAnEjbServer.
EJB v. Other Component Architectures
General EJB Usage
- HowToUseEjb
- EjbDesignPatterns - the start of a collection
- BagOfJumpingBeans - deals with (domain) object distribution, see also DataTransferObject
- UseFactoriesToBuildObjects - cites EJB homes as an example
Entity Beans in Particular
- HowToUseEntityBeans - the question on everyone's mind
- EntityKey
- LimitParametersForEjbCreates - placed under this heading because session bean creators are parameterless [not so -- stateful session beans can have parameters on create]
- EjbQueryLanguage
Developing with EJB
- EjbIdioms
- EjbBenchmark
- EjbUnitTest
- EncapsulateObtainingReferences - arguably in the realm of general usage
- EjbIdes
- EjbModelingTools
- EjbArchitectureRoles
EJB Cognitive Dissonance
EJB popular links
EJB limitations