This page is an attempt to collect DesignPatterns that apply to or occur specifically in systems developed using EnterpriseJavaBeans. There will be many GangOfFour patterns and ComponentDesignPatterns that apply to EJB, but there will be others more specific to EJB systems, like SessionBeanWrapsEntityBeans and BusinessInterface. Hopefully with the help of others we will be able to build a nice collection of (very much needed) EjbDesignPatterns.
Specific to EJB
- SessionBeanWrapsEntityBeans
- BusinessInterface
- StatefulSessionBeanWrapsStatelessSessionFacades
- EntityBeanFacade
- SearchResultAsEntityBean
- BackwardsEntityBeans
- EjbTwoEntityCommands
- StatelessCommandSession
Other Places for EJB Design Patterns
- J2EE Patterns Repository on
- EjbDesignPatternsBook, by FloydMarinescu
GangOfFour patterns that are particularly useful in EJB
- FacadePattern (in order to achieve coarse grained entity beans)
- MementoPattern (for pass by value objects)
all of the ComponentDesignPatterns
See also: EjbLinks, DistributionIdioms , EjbIdioms, CategoryEjb