"We can only learn that which is at the edge of our knowledge"
(I can't find an official quote. Anyone know it?)
10/5/03: sounds like Vygotsky's (psychologist) idea of 'ZoneOfProximalDevelopmentTheory' to me: you can only learn stuff that is at the limit of what you already know.
Also YouCantLearnSomethingUntilYouAlreadyAlmostKnowIt
Another catch phrase for it would be KnowledgeHorizon.
Congratulations to those who become more aware that they know less by the day. They have begin to appreciate Einstein's fear of the "increasing circumference of darkness".
- I had a college professor that spoke of knowledge being a white dot surrounded by darkness. As our knowledge grows, the circumference of darkness surrounding it grows as well. Now I know where he got the idea! But, now I realize there must be much more about the issue that I don't know! Yikes! -- BrucePennington
This is why ArgumentByAnalogy, and other "oversimplifications" can actually help communication.
-- DonaldNoyes Revisited.20130516
See also BreadthFirstLearning
CategoryCommunication CategoryMind