You can find out things that are known by looking for them ThinkingOutLoud.DonaldNoyes 20120501 and by Revisiting.20130516
There are KnowledgeTools we can use which fit: "YouCanLookItUpIfYouNeedIt" which is simply DocumentedKnowledge.
It can play an important part in the knowledge we need from time to time.
Particularly useful for programmers are repositories such as APIs and other such ImplementationKnowledgeBases.
This works only if
- There are well-known or easily constructed keys for the knownledge items. Examples are every-day words or combinations thereof.
- WikiWords are a good example.
- Problem is that sometimes there is no 'right' or obvious word for a topic.
- There are few possible mis-hits for the keys. Little ambiguity.
- Means that if I search for a discussion I had on this wiki I often cannot find it because there are just too many discussions with overlapping topcs.
Therefore some indexing is needed. I could find my discussions if I'd categorized them. But then I need to find the proper index. I may know my own indexes. But not all of them, particularly on TheInternet.
- Just because we can, ShouldWe?