I propose this easy to understand analogy to describe inefficient tools. When you have nothing, eating soup with a fork may seem OK, but once you have a spoon, by comparison, the fork seems ridiculously inefficient.
However, EatingSoupWithaFork is more efficient, if you are only trying to get at the bits of meat.
There's also DrinkingSoupFromTheBowl, which is messy and inelegant, but it gets the job done without any special tools (except the bowl). In some countries, this is the preferred method.
There's DrinkingSoupWithaStraw, which works for some kinds of soup.
There's FeedingYourselfWithBrokenHands, which is about the user and not the tools.
There are many other possible food analogies. Maybe I like them because of my last name.
-- KirkKitchen
CategoryComparisons CategoryMethodology