Duncan Forsyth

last modified: January 28, 2005

Duncan's an incredibly groovy guy who is a:

Q: Who is this? Just did a random search on my name and found another one...

A: I'm the same Duncan Forsyth that appears on random searches as a (famed) player of Killer and Battle at Cambridge University and employee of ParasolSolutions. I'm not however the gymnast, winemaker, doctor, Scottish laird, or any of the footballers. I did implement Nilsson's probabilistic logic (for reasoning with uncertain knowledge) whilst I was at Warwick University. I also did play Dungeons & Dragons with Nick Reed.

I can usually be reached as duncan_forsyth at hotmail.

Despite his formidable coding and role playing skills Duncan wasn't so good on the hardware side. He didn't know to put spacers behind his motherboard when building his first PC so that the whole thing shorted against the metal backplate. Once built his PC ran in 16 colour VGA resolution for the best part of 2 years because the manufacturers of his "bleeding edge" gfx card didn't bother to write NT drivers.

Duncan-disorderly can also apparently drive a car, though not to any recognised standard. Just as well as he has a nervous disposition as a passenger and would light one up at any opportunity. Not always aware of his surroundings, he was also jump out of the car ready to go to work, only to fine himself outside a local Tescos / Bombay express. Overall, an entertaining chap who as a somewhat dubious record with the TV licensing authorities. Every bill was paid, however his co-habiting status was reportedly somewhat different to the norm.

Duncan-disorderly owns precisely 5 suits, each one an identical shade of grey, one size too large for his slight frame. A fastidious organiser, he has one drawer allocated to each different item of clothing. Of interest are his two drawers reserved exclusively for aprons and weight lifting belts.

Duncan nearly blew up his house in Fareham by throwing lit cigarette ends down the drain that his house mates had just finished pouring petrol down.

(Actually that was kinda our fault for pouring petrol down the drain, but we blamed it on Duncan anyway)

Duncan is a bit of a gaylord.

At least one of the DuncanForsyth instances is the partner of KatieLucas.

