Dumb Tables

last modified: March 10, 2012

I think existing languages like Cee have DumbTables or DumbRows in them already. A struct in Cee is very similar to a database table or a database row. The struct in Cee is just castrated (lacks the power of a table in a database). It's a dumb row or dumb table because it doesn't have the abilities a database has - it lacks relational queries. When you use a struct in Cee, often you end up reinventing the database by using procedures to perform on that struct (or functions). You reinvent the database because you are using a dumb row or dumb table.

Other examples of dumb tables are arrays. Arrays are very primitive. You again have to code up all the procedures and functions that operate on the array, possibly reinventing the database.

Identifying DumbTables is one of the most important AhaMoments to understand why our current tools are severely lacking. Once you identify a DumbTable you can see why object orientation and procedural oriented programming are not the only useful paradigms.. adding relational paradigm to our language is necessary for even more higher level programming.

See also: MinimalTable
