Developing Ideas Using Community Dialogue

last modified: November 19, 2014

Developing Ideas Using Community Dialogue

The following is a suggested approach to the development, presentation and formulation of ideas and knowledge by those who consider themselves members of a community with collaborative intent. It is hoped that in the process, members will employ good judgment, cooperation, courtesy and honesty in discussions while in the process of presenting information formed to create a practical, constructive, and thoughtful dialogue. They should consider ideas, whether fully or partially developed, as important. They must believe that exchange of ideas is worthwhile, and that particularly promising ideas should be developed and employed as fully as possible.

Development of Ideas practicing Community Dialogue

The following applies a developing idea which has been partly developed and made available to a community, and which is expressed and with the expectation of a free, open and honest discussion regarding its value by a discussion of its strengths and weaknesses.

An Idea Process in CommmunityDialogue:

Evaluate the document:

Including the:

A member of the community has spoken. It may be by expressing a question, by offering a modification, or the concern that the idea is weak or inaccurate. Another member might make suggestions, amplifications or modifications which will improve the idea.

It is not too early to discover how the reply or comment contributes to needed changes and to make those changes. This is when changes should be made to quickly shape and form it.

If the reply or comment a member has made modifies the idea: By expressing another view of the idea or brings to light (exposes) something your idea either lacks or fails to produce those facts should be reflected in the idea refactoring. This will express the community's discussion and will encourage further expression.

When there is a quick reaction to amplify, correct and adjust, or restate the idea, it's more likely that a creative framework will develop where the dialog will continue and the idea will develop.

Most ideas, when first expressed, are often no more than a shell or skeleton, certainly not full or complete. Ideas should develop and change. The mere statement of an idea is much like beginning a journey. The journey of an idea is a process, one which will lead to final acceptance or possible rejection.

The idea may have many unexplored facets.

Simple, courteous and thoughtful means for presenting and discussing ideas/patterns/topics:

Measure of Validation - Success

"Success is more important than novelty. The longer a pattern has been used successfully, the more valuable it tends to be. In fact, novelty can be a liability, because new techniques are often untested. Finding a pattern is a matter of discovery and experience, not invention. A new technique can be documented as a pattern, but its value is known only after it has been tried. This is why most patterns describe several uses."

Utilize a CollaborationMethod to attain goals

ThePowerOfTwoOrMore in the accomplishment of mutual objectives as well as personal objectives.

Integration of contributions and DramaticIdentity -- to enhance the potential

By comparing and molding - Development is driven by a dialog between differing designs; other participants in the dialogue take on the DramaticIdentity(s) of these designs and try to find a way to mate them into a consistent whole. That moulding changes the components - interferes with them - in a constructive way.

Development of structures and procedures intended to enhance and encourage the completion of the idea toward validity.

Discuss and Relate the idea - See it in relationship to other ideas, confirm and create linkages to a bigger, more comprehensive whole.

Applies the ability to think critically and judgementally concerning the idea's development.

Critical Thinking Defined - See

Modified slightly from The Expert Consensus Statement on Critical Thinking and the Critical Thinker:

Right, Wrong, Nobody cares

Often, on Wiki, you will find yourself thinking one of two things - either "Everything is wrong" or "Nobody cares." People generally don't comment if they agree with what you've written because there's nothing else to add. So sometimes beautiful pages aren't touched by anyone else. Other times, people will only detract from what you've written. Therefore, some people have responded by adding a lot of couched text to smooth the rebuttal over. The idea is that authors' feelings are more important than readers' time and interest.

But, this is bad writing. It's much better to write clear, concise text. Egos and Wiki don't mix very well anyway, as anyone can fix what you wrote to make it better. Encourage this. Take it as a compliment that you've written something either so valuable no-one wants to damage it with their words, or so interesting that they feel like commenting.

However, currently people like flaming each other here. This sucks. -- Anonymous

One way I use of responding when I have been helped by someone else's contribution is to use the ThankYou page or something similar. I also collect links to things useful to me on my home page. -- JohnFletcher

CommunityDialogue is desirable and should be found being employed on this wiki every day. This page exists to express that ideas can be presented using wiki as a first-rate vehicle in accomplishing such dialogue. It has been and can be used in this manner.

The thoughts expressed on this page should not be taken as as a strict set of rules or criteria.

They should instead be considered as recommendations, approaches, and explorations. Dialogue is one of the ways a person can frame thoughts and meanings in interpersonal exchange. This wiki is at its best when CommunityDialogue results in fully developed, thoughtful and supportable ideas. This can happen if each participant keeps in mind that not only the content of expressions, but also the manner of expression can contribute to success. This is what should be kept in mind whether one is contributing as a initiator or whether one is a respondent, after all DialogueIsNotMonologue

project-team-dialogue 17min video-AlistairCockburn

CategoryDialogue CategoryCollaboration CategoryCriticism CategoryIdeaForm
