Refactored mercilessly 20 July 1999. Hope to update the paper soon too.
"Design Patterns for Distributed Objects" is the title of a presentation I gave at the Australian Java Users' Group on Monday July 12 1999. I wrote a paper which is essentially the same as the talk, although the paper has not been published in any more formal sense.
I'm interested in:
- getting feedback on the patterns
- getting feedback on the writing
- hearing about related work
From what I read on other pages (BeyondWritersWorkshops) there seems to be quite an industry in reviewing patterns literature. I hope some of the professional reviewers :-) can take some time to look at this. I am presently working my way through a bunch of papers, such as A PatternLanguageForPatternWriting. Thanks!
The patterns discussed are:
- Hand Off To Remote Worker (to be renamed to HandOff)
- MiddlewareWrapper
- BagOfJumpingBeans
- TrinityPattern
- SplitTreeFromLeaves
- JournallingPattern
To turn this into a PatternLanguage, I would need to add:
- PublishAndSubscribe
- DistributedCallback
- Write in the form, spirit and style of A Pattern Language
- Tags without spaces in them. For some reason, of Jumping Beans doesn't work for me. (Sorry, the tags are automatically generated for me, and the author of the document formatting system hadn't heard of WikiName s.)
- ...more suggestions welcome.
It also occurs to me that DesignPatternsForDistributedObjects effectively include elements of:
- DistributedProgrammingPatterns
- ConcurrentProgrammingPatterns
- LargeSoftwareSystemPatterns
- ObjectSystemPatterns
I think it shows promise. And with a little polishing it could be a useful PatternLanguage. (Now, having said that, I'll rip the limbs off it. ;-> ) --JeffGrigg