Which DavidChappell?
There are two DavidChappells that are well known in the ICT ServiceOrientedArchitecture domain. And both have authored books.
This page serves to warn an unsuspecting WikiReader about the two different persons:
ESB DavidChappell
- David A. Chappell of JavaPlatform EnterpriseServiceBus fame. Works at Sonic and his blog is located at http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/au/207.
- One of his books on EnterpriseServiceBus (ISBN: 0596006756 )
- This DavidChappell is of the view that ESB provides the architectural completeness to an SOA, during a 2004 SunOne roundtable on the subject.
- DavidChappell of MicrosoftWindowsPlatform and now a specialist in the competing WindowsCommunicationFoundation. Blog at http://www.davidchappell.com/blog/. Has his own independent consultancy aligned with MicroSoft.
- one of his books on MicrosoftDotNet (ISBN: 0201741628 )
- This DavidChappell on WhatIsSoa (freedom from the tyrannies of DistributedObjects) can be read at http://hinchcliffe.org/archive/2005/05/14/226.aspx
DonBox (XML version) with the two DavidChappell inside chappell_chappell.jpg, at http://www.oreillynet.com/images/weblog_graphics/chappell/