[From EvolutionInAction]
"The Darwin Awards" ISBN: 0525945725
The Darwin Awards is a smug book that makes fun of a few hundred true news stories about people getting themselves killed in really stupid ways. Kind of like the literary version of the Faces of Death video.
But I need to remind all you acolyte Darwinists that evolution does not care who lives, only who reproduces. The Darwin Awards does not dwell on how many children these victims left behind. -- PhlIp
I thought one of the conditions for DarwinAward elegibility was not having previously reproduced.
In theory, yes, although it's not always clear in the book or on the WebSite when this criterion is satisfied.
The major criterion for eligibility for a Darwin Award isn't killing yourself, it's "removing yourself from the genepool." Self-sterilization in a really stupid way can win.
"Dumb Ways to Die" video and song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJNR2EpS0jw
(It's inspiring! ;-)
See also: http://www.darwinawards.com/ EvolutionByNaturalSelection DarwinAward