Dark Suckers

last modified: September 15, 2003

The idea is that it is dark, not light, which passes through the universe. Therefore, light bulbs are not really light emitters, but dark suckers.

Original theory page: http://home.netcom.com/~rogermw/darksucker.html

While it is a joke, it does highlight the fact that our model of reality is founded on some basic assumptions based upon limitations of our biological sensory apparatus. The mechanical sensory apparatus we build tend to be modeled on our biological sensory apparatus and the BasicAssumptionsWhichMayBeWrong which we make based on those apparatus. In other words, reality might not be what we think it is. Not at all. --BruceIde

Is this related to MagicSmoke?

In a sense, since MagicSmoke is a false hypothesis just like DarkSuckers and Phlogiston (as in PhlogistonOrOxygen)

