Daniel Gross

last modified: November 3, 2000

Describe DanielGross here.

Hi all,

I've just returned from a Patterns writers workshop in Ottawa given by Jim Coplien and Honna Segel. Since i really enjoyed the workshop and feel that patterns have surely something to offer, i thought i'd visit here, and give a shout.

I am interested to see how pattern ideas can flow into my ongoing Ph.D research. BTW, i am a Ph.D student at the University of Toronto, interested in agent oriented software engineering methods (whatever that means). It has to do with bringing together the organizational (roles & structures), the technology (in particular the systems architecture), and the design process when wishing to model and analyze and guide the design decision making process. The notion of intentional actor is a focal point. It should allow expressing the multiplicity of interest-foci and how they are dealt with (modeled, analyzed and traded-off) during the design process.

You can find some more info's about me and those amazing weighty things i am pondering about at: http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~gross or just drop me an email at: mailto:gross@fis.utoronto.ca

best wishes


