Dan Sheppard

last modified: November 18, 2004

DanSheppard is trying to contribute to WikiWiki as his Computer Science PhD writeup allows. He thinks he's quite good at content, but is really crappy at spelling and punctuation, and doesn't mind being corrected as long as people don't accuse him of being lazy, or claim that spelling checkers are the answers to prayers.

At the moment he's done some random edits and tried to start a page on the identity of the English Midlands, IdentityOfEnglishMidlands and on product colour and language ProductColourAsaConsumingJargon, and WhyIamNotConscious which is kind of obvious, as is DoLanguagesChange?

He'll keep a close watch on UniverseOfDiscourse because it's to do with his work.

He is also wondering why he is typing in the third person and wonders if it's to do with the phrase edit DanSheppard with which this edit was heralded?

You can email me at mailto:dans@chiark.greenend.org.uk if you like, as long as you're not trying to sell me something, or trying to make me rich quick.

Here I know RichardKettlewell, who is cool. I now mainly write in http://www.kaet.me.uk/fa/ (BrokenLink 2004-11-18)


Thank you for writing ProductColourAsaConsumingJargon . I found it interesting. I wonder how that relates to products that are typically entirely white (kitchen appliances, washing machines, etc) ? I wonder what it implies about people who dress entirely in black ?

Have you seen the Awareness wiki http://aware.wiki.taoriver.net/ and the Symbol project http://symbolwiki.org/ ? -- DavidCary

