Cultural Cringe

last modified: August 25, 2004

The strine national identity only really asserted itself around WW1 when the appalling treatment of the DigGer(s) at the hands of their British commanders, as epitomized by the invasion of the GallipoliPeninsula, produced an inexpressable resentment. The CulturalCringe refers to the resulting insecurity that leads strines to kowtow to foreign mores and customs even as they express complete disdain for them.

Until the 1970's strines reserved this cringe for all things British. For the last two decades, however, they've transferred it almost entirely to America.

Sounds like Canadians do exactly the same thing -- CanadianGirl

Which leaves us Canadians living in 'Stralia in deep cultural DooDoo indeed. --ChrisKovacs
