Csharp Features

last modified: December 2, 2008

Some features of the CsharpLanguage:


Some things that sound neat:

Limited operator overloading in some respects - you can't overload == without !=, or < without >, for example. I would consider this a GoodThing, myself, but YourMileageMayVary.

In some but not all respects... optional parameters, while allowed in VB.NET and VB 6, are not in C# - which can give you some rather awkward issues when calling one from the other. MS address this issue, and others like it, with the CLS (Common Language Specification). It is a set of conventions to follow when writing classes that will be used from other languages. If you ask it to (by applying certain Attributes to your class) the C# compiler will verify that you comply with the CLS. See http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/cpguide/html/cpconwritingcls-compliantcode.asp

Ish. While you can register the (public) objects in a DotNet assembly as COM objects by running the appropriate utility, this doesn't happen by default. Also, if you want to control things like the ProgId, GUID (GloballyUniqueIdentifier), or whatever, you have to explicitly insert attributes to make it happen.

Actually, dotNet is not the same as COM, every C# object is indeed a language independent entity in the dotNet runtime world, but it is not a COM object.

#line isn't new -- C has had it for decades...

Heated good/bad debates surround these features:

How do you mean? C# compiles to IL which is just-in-time compiled, as other DotNet languages do. I'm not aware of any C# compiler that produces native code. And while a .NET assembly is not a one-.class-file-per-class arrangement as Java is, it is platform-independent. (Technically, the platform-independent IL and metadata is wrapped in a PE file which possibly contains a Win32-specific 'stub', but the code it contains is entirely platform independent.

Some folks feel these things are sad:

Doesn't exist yet, but is apparently planned for future versions. (Hopefully as some clean form of generic, rather than templates.) -- AlistairYoung, as are the above italicized interpolations

Here's a weird feature:

See http://www.artima.com/intv/nonvirtual.html for some discussion of what's meant by versioning. Basically its all about the ability for some classes (e.g. ones in shared libraries) to be able to be upgraded without breaking other classes that rely on them.

Okay, so everything's an object.

If that were true, the number 5 and the string "xyzzy" would have methods.

and they do

See RubyLanguage, where (-5.abs) and ("xyzzy".length) are valid expressions that do just what they look like they do.

-- NickBensema

Nick, it is true. While the Int32 struct (what -5 would be typed as by default) doesn't have an Abs method (that's on the Math class), it does have some other methods, one of which is Format. The following C# works just as you describe:

"xyzzy".Length   // length of a the string
100.Format("c", null) // formats the Int32 to a currency string 
                        // using default system locale

-- DrewMarsh

Still, not EVERYTHING is an object. For example, a class in C# is not an object (though there may be objects that wrap classes).

This is simply a question, not a correction. Having watched the development of C++, with the large number of people, public discussion, man-hours, real-world deployments... that's a language I like (my bias). I'm skeptical of a language that was created by a single development team (*anyone's* development team - Sun, MS) in a vacuum, or with small focus groups. Is this the position of a well-grounded skeptic or am I just whining that closed development sucks?

Sounds reasonable to me, and I rather like Java. (Don't know about C#) -- EricHerman

MS hasn't entirely developed C# by themselves. Other groups have been involved in the process, though Microsoft ran the show and made the other groups sign NDAs. While the process could have been a lot more open, it certainly wasn't entirely in secret. As MS is handing over C# to ECMA, future growth will be more open.

[From one perspective C# and Java are iterations in the refinement process of C++. Although each was written by a small group, they build on the work of other small groups.]

Remember also that C++ started out as an in-house preprocessor for C. Languages tend to oscillate between proprietary and public development; each has its advantages and flaws.

One very nice feature of C# that wasn't mentioned is that C# makes it rather easy to attach CustomMetaData to things like object data or classes. This makes it very easy to customize the behavior of your application when using MetaProgramming. -- JesseJones

Minor question: just how are non-virtual methods a feature? I'll concede any day they take a bit less time to bind, but I always viewed compile-time function binding as little more than a way of making an OO model behave in a way that's unnatural. Objects should act as what they are, not what we think they should/might be, or am I wrong here? If compile-time binding is desired, there should've been a mechanism for doing that explicitly, not the other way around. But then again, I'd suspect marketing aims to make the language as similar to C++ no matter what had their role to play too. -- DavidVallner (Biting his way through OO newbiedom.)

C# 3.0 has AnonymousFunctions that can be read at run-time as "expression trees". In the upcoming ASP.NET MVC framework, an application is that a link can be specified as a lambda calling the method in the appropriate controller; the lambda is read and converted into a URL for the appropriate controller, method and parameters.

Lambda breaks edit-and-continue for the entire method, wasting so much time that it should nearly always be avoided.

