I've been climbing the CsharpLanguage learning curve (which so far is quite gentle), and I'm hitting a roadblock at CsharpClosures.
What is the CsharpLanguage idiom, syntax, or convention regarding DeferredExecution?
- JavaLanguage has AnonymousInnerClasses.
- SmalltalkLanguage has blocks.
- Lisp has closures or continuations.
- CsharpLanguage 1.0 has delegates, which bind together a method/object pair
- CsharpLanguage 2.0 introduces AnonymousMethods, which are similar to Scheme lambdas and are true lexical closures
- CsharpLanguage 3.0 introduces a new compact syntax for LambdaExpressions as well as a Lisp-style quoting scheme called expression trees
See BlocksInCsharp