Creation Matters

last modified: September 2, 2013

"CreationMatters" is a wiki, not just a topic on an external wiki, as apparently should have been obvious to even the most casual of readers of this page.

The name is apparently synonymous with "the universe matters" -- a rather daring and controversial position to take.

Their front page says "CreationMatters is an incomplete and informally written living history of the social and personal practices that people, groups and cultures use to better stay in touch with, and carry out, their deepest values."

How we interrelate with ourselves, each other, etc. Of course it describes itself more fully: -- this site seems to be defunct {The Creator pulled the plug? Scary if scaled}

Running UseModWiki (and happy with it). --JohnAbbe


To test if CreationMatters, let's kill and destroy everything and see if anybody complains.

I tried it. No one even noticed.

Did you give them time to finish their complaint letters?

See SelfImprovementPatterns

It's one of many PublicWikiSites.

