Cpp Counted Pointer Implementation

last modified: November 8, 2014

Here is a simple implementation of counted_ptr. I adapted it from the original counted_ptr proposal to the CeePlusPlus Standard. I'm not sure why it was vetoed, probably because AutoPtr was sufficient and they wanted to move on with the process. Personally, I prefer using an explicit reference and referent pair. For example, in CppUtxOverview, the abstract component, utx::ITest would inherit from an abstract IReferent class. Then, all occurrences of counted_ptr<ITest> would be changed to Reference_<ITest>. This requires less overhead since Reference_<T> can count on T already being a referent rather than having to aggregate a pointer into the referent pointer.

I haven't compiled this for a while so if you find any errors or think of any improvements, simply fix this code.

* Name....: counted_ptr.h
* Date....: 07/24/99
* Created.: RobertDiFalco
* Implementation of the counted_ptr specification. Uses a ''static 
* default'' referent to improve the performance when being default
* constructed by an array or collection.
* Define the above constant if you wish to enable the
* counted_ptr::isolate member. This clones the shared pointer
* with its copy constructor and then isolates from the rest of
* its references. This is useful for using counted_ptr as the
* base for a string class that uses copyOnWrite for its non-
* const members.

#ifndef __COUNTED_PTR_H
#define __COUNTED_PTR_H

template< class E >
class counted_ptr
    /// Interface.


        typedef E       element_type;       // counted object type
        typedef size_t  size_type;          // count type

        // assignment ctor: e.g. counted_ptr<Foo> foo_ref = new Foo();
        counted_ptr( element_type* ptr = 0 )
            // NOTE: speeds default creation for arrays
            static referent s_rep( 0, 1 ); // NOTE: stack gets a ref

                ( ptr == 0 )
                    ? &s_rep
                    : new referent( ptr ) );

        // copy ctor: 
        counted_ptr( const counted_ptr<E>& rhs )
            reference( rhs.m_pRep );

        // assignment 
        counted_ptr<E>& operator=( const counted_ptr<E>& rhs )
            if ( m_pRep != rhs.m_pRep )
                reset( rhs.m_pRep );

            return *this;


        element_type& operator*() const
            return *get();

        element_type* operator->() const
            return get();

        element_type* get() const
            return m_pRep->m_ptr;

        bool is_unique() const
            return m_pRep->m_nCount == 1;


        void isolate()
            if ( is_unique() )    // nothing to do

            /* NOTE: if this fails, the state of the object must
            continue to be sound. The only problem areas are the
            new operations (and possibly the delete called by
            ::release). Basically, we treat the code like a
            transaction. */

            // throws out of isolate if error creating element
            element_type* ptr = new element_type( *get() );

                /* NOTE: This is safe if the new operation
                fails. If success, it does a simple release
                and reference call. */

                reset( new referent( ptr ) );
            catch( ... )
                delete ptr;
                throw;                     // propagate


    /// Implementation.


        // the referenced representation

        struct referent
            referent( element_type* ptr = 0, size_t nCount = 0 ) :
                m_ptr( ptr ),
                m_nCount( nCount )

                delete m_ptr;

            element_type* m_ptr;      // the actual object
            size_t        m_nCount;   // number of references
        * m_pRep;                     // this referenced pointer

        //..Simple methods to reference and release reps

        /* NOTE: these should use critical sections */

        void reset( referent* pRep )
            ''// :$: auto_lock< lock_type > lock;

            reference( pRep );

        void reference( referent* pRep )
            (m_pRep = pRep)->m_nCount++;

        void release()
            if ( --m_pRep->m_nCount == 0 )
                delete m_pRep;


-- RobertDiFalco

There is also the BoostSharedPtr implementation available from the BoostLibraries. It's been debugged and tested. -- JasonRiedy

Does this implementation provide any benefits over BoostSharedPtr? Given that BoostSharedPtr has been accepted as part of TechnicalReportOne, it seems like a better long-term solution.

The use of PolicyBasedClassDesign would make it easy to have a compile time switch to compare implementations. -- JohnFletcher

See also: ReferenceCounting, SmartPointer

CategoryCpp CategoryGarbageCollection CategoryPointer
