Generic term for a long distance used by laid back country folk.
Do rural folk outside the UnitedStates say CountryKilometer? :)
: In the UK rural folk wouldn't know about kilometers...chain, furlong, mile, league. Don't forget the UK still uses acres which at a chain by a furlong (22 yards by 220 yards) isn't even square
As in: "Boy, he can hit that baseball a country mile".
Has there ever been an instance when a country folk said something was "a coupla miles 'way", then asked how much was that in miles, and he didn't know?
A CountryMile was originally defined as the distance you have to walk to get help if your truck or vehicle breaks down. However with the introduction of the new revised rural system and improved traceability the country mile was redefined as 6/11 of a real long ways, or 2.59 'fair piece'.
A mile is the distance covered by 1000 paces. As this varies between countries, the Country Mile varies accordingly. For example, the Romans, inventors of the unit, covered 1480 meters with that many paces; the Irish, with their Ceili leaping steps cover a whopping 2048 meters; and the Norwegians manage 10 kilometers gliding along on telemark skis.
So, can the speed of a tractor be measured in country miles/hour? (And what would the single-word abbreviation for that UnitOfMeasure be?)
<ducking> wibble