Counter Strike

last modified: October 13, 2005

Warning: The contents of this page may have been written by CounterStrike fanatics. Pinch of salt recommended.


The beautiful game.

CS is a custom Mod (modification) for the popular FirstPersonShooter computer game HalfLife. Online-only teamplay, Terrorist vs. Counter-Terrorist in a chess-like duel of wits and frighteningly accurate weapons models. As of Late 2000 its the most popular online FirstPersonShooter, well in front of Quake, Unreal, Tribes and all the other big commercial gaming cash cows (still up there after all those years in 2004, even if it's not as dominating as it used to). Almost-perfect gameplay and attention to detail makes up for the aging graphics of the Half-Life (Quake2) engine.

Not bad for a game knocked together by a bunch of hobbyist coders in their spare time. And its free like free beer. -- CraigP

Tanstaafl? --DanielChurch

It's intensely addictive, and chock full of cheaters. I quit because it wasn't worth playing anymore. -- ShaeErisson

Try using punkbuster ( Another bit of home-made code that prevent clients running known cheats from playing on any Half-Life server (works for CounterStrike, Team Fortress etc). I can't help with the addiction thing though...its nearly time for my hit... --- CraigP

Cheating has been vastly reduced in 2004 due to Valve's efforts and the new Steam platform. Punkbuster isn't used anymore, most servers use VAC (Valvve's in-built Anti Cheat system) or Cheating Death ( ---TomW

CounterStrikeStrategies anyone?

Check Out DayOfDefeat, it's a World War II mod for HalfLife, very cool. -- RyanDoupe

