We thank these recent visitors for taking the time to sign our log. We hope all will join our InvitedAuthors, RegularContributors and PastVisitors in making this space a valuable place to be.
If you are new to this site, you will want to consult the StartingPoints. If you'd like to tell us more about yourself and to participate here, please consider creating a WikiHomePage for yourself (note: RealNamesPlease).
Please add your name under the current month, below.
You're welcome to list your location and company along with your name, if you like, but please refrain from listing just your company name, as such an entry is indistinguishable from WikiSpam (and this Wiki prefers your RealName, in any event).
See also: PeopleIndex
January 2012
- Dineshotham Kumar.K (06-06-2012,India)
- JonStrayer
- Herman Mol (04-JAN, The Netherlands)
- MarkLaBarbara (USA, Student)
- Lars Nilsson (Norway)
- MarkCidade (12 Jan, Canada)
- Muhamad Agil Najib (18-Jan, Indonesia)
- Kelly Awad (Jan. 17, 2012) USA, Student @ UMSL
- Shriharsh Mishra (India, Developer)
- Jagandeep Singh (India, Developer)
- BenAfable (PHL:Philippines)
- Yelena Pogosian (01.22.12 USA-Colorado Student)
- Damith Herath (Australia, Engineer)
- Michal Jung (01.29.12 USA-Minnesota Developer)
February 2012
- MarkLaurent (USA, IT Consultant)
- Trullo (Catalonia, Developer)
- Peter Roelants (Belgium, Student)
- ArloJamesBarnes (UnitedStatesOfAmerica>NewMexico>SantaFe, HighSchoolStudent and WikiPuppy)
- Stanley Tse (02.20.12 Canada, CCNA Student)
- Holley Stitz (Austria, Student)
- Kumar Gaurav (India, Developer)
- Rosta Matthias (03.01.12 Belgium, Analyst/Developer)
March 2012
- Steve Tuffill (02-MAR, Valencia, CA, United States)
- Alexey Tkachenko (Singapore, Software Developer)
- Blinov Vyacheslav (Russia, Software Developer)
- Jonathan Hart (3/7/12, Houston, TX US)
- Kevin Dykema (United States, Software Developer)
- AK Adapa (USA, Engineer)
- Fabio Lima (Brazil, Student)
- Liz Fogarty (Australia, Student)
- Mohammed Javed Sattar (Australia, System Analyst)
- Brian Thomas (USA, Chemical Engineer)
- Eryndlia Mavourneen (USA-Tennessee-Nashville, Vanderbilt University, Institute for Software Integrated Systems (ISIS)), Staff Engineer (and researcher on my own time)
- Peter Gambell (Australia, Software Engineer)
- Daniel Hernandez (Spain, Software Developer)
- Muhammad Moosa (Pakistan, Software Developer & I.T Teacher)
- Alexey Zaviruha (Russia, Software Developer)
- Ruben Van Laerhoven (Belgium, Student at Artesis Antwerp - Applied CS)
- Elizabeth Degnan Kryak (USA, DrNP Student, Drexel University)
- Robert Skelton (USA, Truck Driver)
April 2012
- Maike F. (Munich, Germany - Software Developer)
- Mohammed Javed Sattar (Australia, System Analyst)
- Eduardo Gotti (Dominican Republic, Student)
- Reymbergen Djumanazarov (Nukus, Uzbekistan)
- Jan Duelund (Denmark, Software Developer)
- JonStrayer
- Tim Cuthbertson (USA, Retired Database Administrator)
- Rob Phillips (USA, Database Administrator)
- Christine Close (Australia, just interested)
- Philipp Z. (Germany, procrastinating student)
- Jacob F. (USA, Student)
- Alexander Manners (Australia, Engineer)
- Arthur T Flegenheimer (Scotland, bootlegger)
- Philip B. Robinson (USA, Technical Trainer)
- Sharon Cryan (IRL, Web Tech Student NCIR)
- Gary Peek (Industrologic, Inc., electronics/software)
May 2012
- Charles Lee. (Sydney, Australia - Java Developer)
- Paula Breton (Canada)
- Jesus Medina Arreguin (Mexico)
- Fergal Crawley (Ireland)
- Robert Rainthorpe (Kent, England, Slashdot article about Ward today led me here)
- Matt Veenstra (Dr. Dobb's - Andrew Binstock - got me to revisit the site. Ward's Patterns and Tools. Thx)
- Roan Horning (United States, 16 May)
- Sumit Bisht (India, Programmer & Hacker came from the slashdot article. Cannot thank you enough, Ward!)
- Scott Steele (MD USA, cost analyst now with Foollish Ambition Towarde A Programming Careere)
- Alex Hoermandinger (Austria)
- Ali Gholami (Iran)
- David F. Moise (St Lucia, Teacher at the Corinth Secondary School)
- Girish K R G (Bangalore, India, Cunningham Interview on Dr. Dobbs led me here)
- Jakub Paś (Poland, Developer)
- Alvaro G�mez (Madrid, Spain) I was looking for wiki software and I thought I should visit this first :)
- Guy Wade (Hartford, WI, USA. 31 May)
June 2012
- Matías Waterloo (Argentina)
- Puneetha Polasa (India)
- Carlos de la Torre (Argentina, Comisi�n Nacional de Actividades Espaciales)
- Mark LeBlanc (Canada, Developer)
- Jamie Chesler, Business Professor (Florida)
- Radu Gasler (Romania, Developer)
- Zach Alsgaard (Virginia USA, Developer)
- Mike Hunt (New York USA, Developer)
- Martin Stickley (England, Developer)
- Harish K N (India, Developer)
- Ashish D. Jambhale (India, Software Consultant)
- Darton Williams (Virginia USA, Developer)
- Charles Ng CH (Malaysia, IT Consultant cum Support Team Lead)
- Oliver Seet (USA, Computer Science Student at San Jose State University)