Conversational Lens

last modified: December 11, 2010

Someone in a community of some kind brings up an idea, and you have a hard time processing it. Maybe it's controversial or unconventionally argued. Maybe it's based on a different mindset from yours, and you just don't see your way clear to bridging the gap.

What are some ConversationalLenses that will spotlight the troublesome parts of the idea, pinpoint the outlines of the presuppositions that underlie the idea or stand in the way of its acceptance, bring out the emotional charges in such a way that it's OK to discuss those as well, and so on?

Sharp-focus lenses (loupe):

Broad-angled lenses:

Bifocal lenses (for cases where ideas are in competition):

How about the SixThinkingHats?

See ConversationalChaff

This page can be helpful in establishing a PositiveDialogue between those engaged in differences of opinion, particularly when involved in ValuingViaDescription. -- DonaldNoyes

