The Concept Permutation Emergent Property Structure which I call an EndemeSet is a structure in which the relative priorities of concepts can be placed. Usually I list 22 concepts and then order them into an endeme to store a piece of information. That piece of information is an emergent property. Here is an example:
Identity Name fields EndemeSet:
A |A. Alias
B P |B. Best/preferred
C F |C. Complete/full
D L |D. Documentary/literary
E S |E. Engaged's/spouse's
FG |F. First/given
G |G. Generational
H |H. Handle
I |I. Internet
J L |J. Judicial/Legal name
F K |K. Kinship/father's
F L |L. Last/family
M |M. Mother's
N |N. Name
O |O. Old
P |P. Professional
C Q |Q. Quit/cut endeme
R V|R. Responsibility/virtual
S |S. Suffix
P T |T. Title/prefix
U |U. Unknown identity
C |V. child's
maiden name = NLGO
occupational name = PT
like to be called = NB
second middle name = LF
former first name = FO
birthday = DG
Internet name = NI
Internet alias = AI
Internet handle = HI
nickname = NH
known pseudonym = NA
hidden pseudonym = AN
pseudonym = ADQ
Is not intended to be interpreted past the Q in this case.
<field set="name">
<f e="NF">Jon</f>
<f e="NFL">Robb</f>
<f e="NL">Grover</f>
<f e="NFC">Jonathan</f>
<f e="NBF">Jack</f>
<f e="NI">jonrgrover</f>
<f e="HI">Random Axess</f>
<f e="NJ">Jon Grover</f>
<f e="NH">Jonny</f>
<f e="NLGO">Smith</f>
<f e="NLGOM">Tunney</f>
<f e="SP">MD</f>
<f e="SG">III</f>
<f e="TP">Mr</f>
<f e="FK">Jeffrey</f>
Why is the above useful or desirable?
EndemeSets make it possible or easier to:
- Index unorderable information
- Automate decision making
- Construct mutual languages between data formats or between people and data
- Allocate resources
- Build InformationModel
- Build an InformationLayer that makes what is behind the scenes in a program more similar to what the customer/user needs than data is.
- Reduce interface complexity between multiple systems using an information layer as a central conversion layer
- Reduce space requirements for sparsely used structured data structures such as xml
- Reduce the number of screens for sparsely used data
- Manage people and groups with more precision
- Help users find buttons, and functions in a large complex menu hierarchy or application
- Support a certain amount of natural language
- Computational/artificial creativity
- Partner human creativity with computer creativity
- Add fields to a UI that have not been thought of until the user needs them
- Build genetic algorithms
- Perform signature recognition
- Identify overlooked possibilities in a domain
-- JonGrover
How do EndemeSets make it possible or easier to do the above?
In partial answer to my own question, I found a better example at
It's a simple dictionary encoding scheme. By way of analogy, in the same manner that XML generalises HTML, it seems to be an attempt at generalising the concept behind GeekCode.
CategoryEndemeSet, CategoryInformationOrientation