Collective Love

last modified: March 30, 2004

... joyful interaction of intelligent and feeling systems for creating more joy and persistence for all parts and their possible selfsimilar child-processes ;-)

The main delimiting factor for creating a WikiWayOfLife may not be the technical infrastructure or the CollectiveIntelligence but the often overlooked CollectiveLove.

-- FridemarPache

Is CollectiveLove == Community?

Ok, let's go on brainstorming:

Community ::= Collection of subjects with certain practised compatibility rules giving them a chance for persistence and joy.

subject ::= intelligent and feeling (sub-)system

IdealCommunity ::= Community, where all compatibility rules (the methodes for reducing entropy) are based on CollectiveLove + Otherfactors

How much CollectiveIntelligence and CollectiveInfrastructure in Otherfactors is the question.

-- FridemarPache

Is CollectiveLove essential? What about a CollectiveGoal and common circumstance? Do you need a CollectiveGoal? Do you just need communication? What about two people who really hate each other, and whose mutal hatred drives an argument which produces many grand ideas? I'm looking in the direction of IsaacNewton and, well, everybody he talked to. He did it for selfish reasons.

Aren't all communities formed by individuals who have selfish reasons to join the community? Even if they aren't conscious. SelfishGeneTheory comes to mind. -- SunirShah

IdealCommunity in this context is meant only as a proposed term to be filled with more content (or modified or deleted) in this Wiki Community. There seems to be no consens on an ethical axiomatic system (a la Spinoza) to answer your questions in a provable way.

Therefore perhaps we could further generalize CollectiveLove until we have a consensus. So what about taking away the component of:

But let's also consider the traps of OverGeneralizing

For me joy and persistence could be very well subsumed under the minimal set of CollectiveGoals. Selfishness is controlled to a certain degree in all stable communities. Balancing selflove and love for others is the known 'golden rule'. I don't know, what do you mean with 'common circumstance'. Do you refer to 'Gestalt-Theory'.

See also: WikiStoneSociety, PolyAmory, WhatIsCopulism

-- FridemarPache
