Collaboration By Parts

last modified: February 23, 2011

When working with others on a project, the tried and true method of CollaborationByParts can be found most useful ThinkingOutLoud.DonaldNoyes.20110223

This is particularly true when what is collaborated upon Crosses Disciplines.

Often we work with persons whose primary tasks do not coincide in total with our own, but which involve working parts of mutual concern.

Example: The design of a Coal-Powered Electrical Generation Facility involves several design disciplines and cannot be effectively completed without collaboration between them. One designer might be involved with the design of the Piping system of water and steam while another designer might be involved with the ControlSystems including those controlling the flows, temperatures, pressures and level encountered in the final design, construction, and operation of the Plant as an operational system. CollaborationByParts is the collaboration of the two designers on items of joint interest, such as the location of pipe taps for input systems such as switches, sensors and transmitters which are vital in controlling the systems' managed parameters, as well as elements such as control valves providing on-off and proportional control of levels, pressures and temperatures of the water and pressure, temperature and state of the steam. The piping designer makes sure that the pipe system will meet specified code requirements as to the kind and schedule of the pipe as well as its support and accommodation dealing with the expansion and contraction of the pipe. While the controls designer ensures that the parameters controlled fall within design requirements. Where collaboration is involved may be the location and orientation of the taps, or the dimensions of the inline control valves.

The same kinds of intersections occur in the design and construction of working software and hardware computing systems which involve operational as well as display and interfacing of human and hardware elements.

In both of the examples, there is CollaborationByParts which are of mutual concern and have crossing effects.

