Coalescent Patterns

last modified: March 6, 2009

A CoalescentPattern is a Pattern which is explicitly merged with other smaller Patterns to create a larger Pattern. This larger Pattern may alter the original small patterns to align themselves with each other, in order to make a new Pattern. For example a FactoryMethod Pattern which has been merged with a CommandPattern, could have Command.Execute which calls Command.Create or it could coalesce and become Command.Create.

Likewise, patterns like the MVC pattern can be thought of as a CoalescentPattern, as it merges ideas from Observer, Composite and other smaller patterns.

I believe also to avoid ambiguity the term CoalescentPattern would be better than small 'c'omposite and large 'C'omposite.

CoalescentPatterns are not AggregatePatterns. AggregatePatterns would describe patterns that communicate with patterns, but remain complete and distinctly visible as themselves.

