Co Wiki

last modified: January 10, 2009

coWiki is a dead project.

coWiki is a collaboration tool (generally considered a WikiEngine) programmed using the PhpLanguage (PHP5).

coWiki is a sophisticated but easy to use web collaboration tool that helps you and your co-workers to create and organize web documents, weblogs and knowledgebases or any other document structures directly in their HTML browser. You may evolve ideas and gain a concomitant XML documentation of your brainstorming without having to concentrate on complicated structural syntaxes.

In many senses, it is very like a wiki but additionally provides an easy way to secure and discuss its documents.

A few coWiki features:

"After almost five years of evolvement of the coWiki web collaboration software project, the development has been discontinued." This was announced December 13, 2006 on their website.

coWiki is alive and well now. New maintainers have released 0.3.4 on February the 24th, 2005. -- Sy (27-Feb-05)

Dated conversation follows:

It is aimed primarily at software developers (the name is short for Collaborative Wiki, I believe). -- anonymous
It's not aimed at a particular audience. The meaning of the name is still being discussed. ;)

It is unfortunate that this project merely borrowed the term "Wiki". It cannot seriously partitipate in InterWiki and is probably more targeted at smaller commercial sites (it is not a real Wiki in that it is locked per default). The source code layout is fantastic, and it appears to be very extensible. But like most other GPL software it shipped almost documentation-free. Most unique feature is that CoWiki internally stores pages in XML. -- anonymous

-- Sy (28 Feb '05)

