Cliff Stabbert

last modified: September 23, 2009

CliffStabbert is a dilettante, amateur developer, who got into small, custom development as a user developing MS Office templates, macros and the like. A long time ago he played with Z80 code and Forth on the ZX Spectrum; currently he likes Delphi. Jack of all trades, master of none, he's e.g. built a custom Excel interface into ten year old Oracle inventory database to generate CSV files for upload to an ecommerce site. Just enough knowledge to be dangerous, in other words. He is hoping to have the leisure to go back to school soon so he can learn computer science for real, and grok things like lisp, SICP, etc. He has a lot of ideas, some of them might even be good, and of those -- who knows? -- there might one or two that are not re-inventions of other people's stuff.

Welcome to Wiki, Cliff!

