This contribution is under CreativeCommonsBySa, such that it can be distributed with a link to the initial document (from ), originated by the author FridemarPache.
As there might be some people here, inspired by ScienceFiction, the author would love to discuss the following idea of a CleanGovernment model:
When a small number of ruling people control the many, we might be inclined to call this a dictaturship, when the many control a small number of ruling people, why not calling this a democracy. (From my memory: author unknown, please help me to find them)
Basic Rules
The people representing government are obliged to
(1) have individually only one publicly viewable realtime OpenBankAccount for making their financial flow transparent to the many
(2) they get the average income of the people of the country, they are responsible for
(3) additionally they each get VotingCents from the many as income, viewable realtime in their OpenBankAccount.
(4) Each citizen gets itself transferred 99 voting Cts per month from the government.
(5) Nobody is allowed to vote with more than 99 Cts per month.
Aditional rules
Protection from Corruption
Basic average Income + Voting Cents for government people helps the non government people to protect the government people from corruption. Beyond that any political and private activity is a RealityTvShow? to all the people.
Protection from terroristic repression on their political as well as private activities
Any political and private activity is a RealityTvShow? to all the people of the country they represent.
Help government people to be protected from repression of terrorists, who may have hijacked them, leaving their public image intact. The (hidden) hijacking in this case could be the effect of any kind of backroom activities/decisions (See BackRoomDecisions) or even physical force to their family members or friends. Any activity is surveilled by the people. The houses and communication lines of the leaders need a complete realtime video monitoring, such that the people can verify, that their leaders are not controlled by terrorists.
Why did an anon delete this ScienceFiction idea. This scenario should be transformed into an insightful novel or a discussion. I think it has a mindstretching value. Please give reason for this censorship. Thank you. The idea is based on the bestseller TheTransparentSociety written by the respectable futurologist DavidBrin. -- FridemarPache.