Chips Operating System

last modified: June 6, 2012


The system incorporating Basic Input Output System for interaction with your favorite Estrella or Lays chips pockets, 250 or 500 Mg.

Handles input of chips, output of chips (later on from the digestion system), chips processing (chewing and digestion) also includes exceptions and system interrupts such as GodIHaveChipsOnMyPants, GodIHaveChipsOnMyShirt, GodIAmAllAroundInChips, GodIAmMessedItAll (system halt)

First generation ChipsOperatingSystem is capable of processing up to 1 Estrella/Lays chips pocket in 5 minutes, showing great performance and enjoyment of host organism.

Currently releasing new GNU OpenSource ChipsOperatingSystem with all the functionality and additionally able to be run on different platforms such as man, woman, animals. Porting efforts to bugs is underway.

But naturally, like all operating systems, it is inferior to a systems that have Gentoo installed.

CategoryOperatingSystem, CategoryHumor
