Cheese Wiki

last modified: August 11, 2006

A wiki written in PHP. It has a great deal of flexibility, using a file of RegularExpression rules for the raw wiki text -> html and CSS for themes. It hasn't been around long, and any suggestions/improvements are welcome. You can get the sources to CheeseWiki at (BrokenLink as of 2006-06-01). Check out a wiki using this engine at (BrokenLink as of 2006-06-01).

Email the author: mailto:ianh (at)

Hi, Ian - you need to change the text box definition so that 'textarea' becomes 'TEXTAREA' and adding 'ROWS=18 COLS=80 wrap=soft' (or similar). Similarly, replace 'input' by 'INPUT' for the 'restore from backup' facility.

XHTML documents must use lower case for all HTML element and attribute names.

Actually, the HTML standard doesn't require capital letters for tag names. But it does require the rows and cols, so I'm adding them now.

Maybe not, but wrap=soft is a good idea anyway as two-way scrolling is very inconvenient. Without wrap=soft, Netscape Communicator seems to need the capitals.

Nice wiki, you may want to make it so that there is some difference between empty links and links with content.

The way of defining rules at the moment doesn't allow that, but I'll make something a bit more powerful once I get around to it. Ed: Now Using DokuWiki...

"Bonjour! Interesting wiki. So simple that I might choose it to practice PHP and random generated CSS. May I transform it as I want? And even translate it? Actually, I would only be a start to make a french Database-free CMS. :-)"

This is so far the best and easyiest wiki I have found! Just great! Simple and well laid out. I am very happy!

An easy to set up wiki, but has some serious issues with conflicting formatting rules. For example, try //italics// at the start of a line, or // // Hm. This is easy to fix: I just need to reorder it so it parses the urls before the italics.

