I collected it in the first place, better media can store it now, so why not change where it is ThinkingOutLoud.DonaldNoyes.20131014
Even though many would say ForgetIt, I cannot. Therefore I have as one of the tasks of DoingStuff: ChangingStorageMedia
Storing DigitalStuff (including my programming and educational stuff) is a task made easier and more compact by faster computers and modern MicroMedia.
In my present collection
- The earliest and largest volume of DigitalStuff is on FloppyDisks of the 5 1/4 inch type.
- While much of what is possible to transfer to better media has been done, transfer is neither complete or optimized yet.
- The second most volume of DigitalStuff is on FloppyDisks of the 3 1/2 inch type.
- Some of the 5 1/4 floppies were earlier transferred to this media type, and all 3 1/2 floppies need to be transfered.
- The third most volume of DigitalStuff is on Original Installation Disks and data disks of type CD.
- The fourth most volume of DigitalStuff is on Original Installation Disks and data disks of type DVD.
- The fifth most volume of DigitalStuff is on Fixed Disk Drives in or removed from LegacyComputers.
- The sixth place in volume of DigitalStuff goes to Flash Drives serving as portable memory devices, or on MemoryCards containing photos.
All six of these are soon to be stored on portable UsbDrives, of what I call the note card size, being 3x5x0.375 or less than 6 cubic inches in volume. Total being 7 such drives with a total of less than 50 cubic inches of volume (about 10 terabyte capacity in all) which should do it for a little while.
ChangingStorageMedia is only one of several strategies in ReducingTheComputingFootprint.
Storing Audio and Video stuff is also one of the things ChangingStorageMedia can make such that it may be played anywhere I am.
In my present collection
- Reel to Reel tapes (less than a dozen)
- Cassette tapes (hundreds)
- CDs (hundreds)
- DVDs (hundreds)
- BlueRay (just a few) have avoided for now
- Acquired Media via purchase and/or gratis public domain or grants
- Personally recorded audios and videos via audio recorders and camcorders
- Photographs on digital or digitized media (cards containing files)
Dated Activities enabling ArtifactStorageAndHandling
- Historical, Dated Files stored on portable USB Drives (from many sources) 20131015
- Personal Storage InTheCloud being explored and tests of such usages underway 20140810
- Securing Internet Resource 20140910
Category Organization