RealTime programming is a bit of a BlackArt. Compared to other types of programming, there are relatively few authoritative texts and few college programming courses available that describe the common patterns for solving problems such as these:
- Ensuring that deadlines are met, and/or doing something reasonable when deadlines are not met.
- Ensuring that periodic tasks (possibly with very short periods) run periodically.
- Ensuring that high-priority tasks are able to interrupt low-priority tasks, avoiding deadlocks and priority inversions.
- Optimizing the scheduling of tasks.
- Managing resources (memory, I/O, etc.) such that operations take a predictable bounded amount of time.
- Handling real-time system startup/shutdown/restarts/resets/reboots.
Please list such patterns here, along with links to their descriptions.
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DougSchmidt and his team have described several patterns for concurrent, parallel, and distributed systems, many of which are designed to also address real-time constraints:
See "Patterns for Time-Triggered Embedded Systems" by Michael J. Pont. ISBN: 0201331381
This book uses pattern form to explain how to build controllers for things like microwave ovens and clocks. The computers for these devices are very small, with a few hundred bytes of RAM. It is a fascinating book! -- RalphJohnson