Category Mode

last modified: June 16, 2011

A mode is a manner in which a wiki page can be written. Each mode is appropriate at a different stage in the life-cycle of a page, and perhaps is appropriate for different kinds of pages.

This category is needed to short circuit a lot of the discussion on which "modes" for authoring Wiki pages are useful or beneficial. Much discussion has transpired without a solid consensus on particular authoring modes being superior to others. This is mainly because a lot of the material discussed on this Wiki is still undergoing intense mutation. The software development industry is not nearly as old as, say, the automobile industry. Even in the auto industry things are changing at an intense pace. Here we have a lot of ideas that are under nearly continuous evolutionary pressure. Thusly, the different modes of portraying and discussing these ideas.

Look over the descriptions in WikiModes before creating a new authoring mode. If one of those will not do then by all means create a new CategoryMode page, but be sure that you have isolated its unique characteristics and have created a one-line description for the WikiModes page. Thanks a bunch. -- the WikiGnomes

CategoryCategory CategoryWikiEditing
