A programming technique used to repeat execution of instructions, sometimes using the index of the loop to influence on differences in what process does
Some pages about the loop construct:
- BetterForLoopConstruct
- BuildLoopsYourself
- CanOnceAndOnlyOnceLoop
- CatchExceptionsInLoops
- CollectionAndLoopVsSelectionIdiom
- ExpressiveLoopCondition
- External Pages about Loops:
- FunctionsForLoops
- GrokLoops
- InfiniteLoop
- InternalLoopExitsAreOk
- LoopConstructNeedDiscussion
- MakeLoopsApparent
- MessyLoopConditions
- NestedForLoops
- OneInfiniteLoop
- OptimizingTheIdleLoop
- PowerLoops
- QueryAndLoop
- ReadEvalPrintLoop
- RecursionVsLoop
- RefactorMatchLoopToUsage
- TrivialDoWhileLoop
- UseBuiltInLoops
- UseEnumerationsInsteadOfForLoops
- UseEnumerationsNotForLoops
- WhileNotDoneLoop