Interfaces are vital in programming. Pages on this wiki dealing with programming interfaces:
- InterfaceCzar
- InterfaceDefinitionLanguage
- InterfaceDirector
- InterfaceDiscovery
- InterfaceEnforcement
- InterfaceEngines
- InterfaceFactories
- InterfaceMarket
- InterfaceSegregationPrinciple
- InterfaceSystems
- InterfaceTags
- InterfaceWikiPage
- InterfacesAreFormalSystems
- InterfacesCannotBeEngineered
- InterfacesForDefiningConstants
- InterfacesInPython
- InterfacesIndependentOfImplementation
- InterfacesLast
- InterfacesShouldBeAdjectives
- InterfacesShouldBeNouns
- InterfacesVsClasses
- InterfaceBasedProgramming
I think Interfaces are important also for WebServices and ServiceOrientedArchitecture (the future). In 2004 an example would be the MicroSoft Biztalk server addressing EnterpriseApplicationIntegration (EAI) using store-and-forward MessageQueuing techniques.
You may instead be looking for CategoryUserInterface.