Categories Roadmaps And Searches

last modified: May 21, 2009

Under Ward's second way of viewing the wiki "Track" there are presently at least three useful methods:


Enabled by the addition of a WikiTag (usually at the bottom of the page) which categorizes the page, especially when the content of the page is linked by a common attribute or classification into a group of closely related pages which when read will supply a synergy. While some argue PleasePleaseDontCategorizeEveryPageOnWiki, it may be argued that truly good pages deserve to be categorized. It is in a way a method of relating a page to other pages which supply additional content and meaning to the focus Category. See CategoryCategory for comprehensive list.

Road Maps

A useful way of viewing of more broadly-related content, information and contributions that include not only internal wiki links, but also structure, explanations and organizations, as well as links to information outside this wiki (on other wikis, or other web pages or websites). See RoadMaps for comprehensive list. In addition, zipped files of wiki content (links and pages) can be extracted and viewed offline, enabling the wiki visitor to focus reading and make it possible for one to write in such a way as to relate existing pages with the contributed content. See WikiMirrors for downloadable content.


When one wishes to focus in on content, three are at least two immediate methods as well as other not so conspicuous methods which will allow the narrowing down and concentration upon what it is the wiki participant wishes to view. Available on nearly all pages (in the footer) are LikePages and FindPage (and VisualTour, once upon a time).

There are many script-generated dynamic pages. For those who care about temporal behavior, this also includes the various RecentChanges pages. For those who don't care about any order, this includes RandomPages. For those who care about maintenance, this includes OrphanPages, WantedPages, etc.

When a person enabled to concentrate interests can read dozens or hundreds of pages containing material one is tracking, it is likely that besides reading, writing of substantial and meaning new content will result. This viewing methodology might also engender increased refactoring of "old," seldom-visited pages and create a renewal of interest in the page by new visitors.

Related: WikiReadingHabits BalancingReadersWritersAndEditors StartingPoints WikiAtlas
