Carlo Van Bussum

last modified: June 22, 2005

Carlo van Bussum is the creator of the EtcLanguage.

Dude, as far as I can see, you haven't created anything. If Etc isn't just a hoax, where can I download a compiler/interpreter from, or find something more enlightening than a tutorial on "transclusive folds" and "quadrant leverage"? I mean, it's almost funny...

I believe etc these days is included in most linux distributions. I believe it's in my debian at least.

OK, that was pretty funny

Born in 1969 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Now living in the US. Occasionally, I work with Larry Wall. Currently busy writing 'Programming Etc' for a major publisher. O'Really? Look for the book with the gryphon on the cover.

Hello world in etc:


I'm rumored not to exist. CarloVanBussum definitely doesn't.


I tried the code shown above and it didn't work! All I got was an error message "Empty Variable X, transclusion folded at quadrant z = -1.00 Dump 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 42 " Then my computer crashed, I haven't been able to use it since. And it is the only computer I have success two! -- 20040401

