Captain Scarlet

last modified: October 25, 2003

Sixties SuperMarionation british ScienceFiction series set 100 years later in the 2060s. Made by GerryAnderson who also made SpaceNineteenNinetyNine, Stingray, Thunderbirds, Joe90, UFO. CaptainScarlet was an improvement over Thunderbirds as it embedded the speaking mechanism in the torso of the puppets allowing the heads to be normal size (Thunderbirds mechanism was in the head causing them to be oversized). Wires used to dangle the puppets also carried current from the voice recordings to drive the mechanism directly. Was popular in the UK and for anyone who likes the original GiJoe dolls it was like watching GiJoe s come alive. Great models (ie SkyBase) and futuristic sets/costumes and cool dialog like "Melody Angel for Immediate launch" in their battle against the Mysterons. Producers seemed to have a lot of fun doing it and paid great attention to detail right down to bird droppings on futuristic skyscraper parking lots. When they would do close-ups of hands it would be a real person's hand. See
