An interesting and (apparently) fairly well known diagram from the 1989 paper "The Xerox Star: A Retrospective", showing the family relationships of a number of information systems from VannevarBushs MemexVision to the Macintosh II among many others.
(The highlighted arrows represent direct successors.)
The whole paper is at (PDF) and (HTML).
JohnRedant, BruceDamer and others later produced a revised version, bringing its coverage up to the year 2000 among other things:
In the source page,, the tree has an imagemap with links to many of the projects shown.
The diagram is quite XeroxParc-centric, but there's probably good reason for that, over and above the original paper's XeroxStar focus...
You could probably find fault with quite a few details in the diagram(s) - no SelfLanguage or LogoLanguage? no link from SketchPad to SmalltalkLanguage? - but it seems valuable both as a general overview and as a source of pointers to many now-obscure systems. It's interesting to see how the graph links together modern-day systems as diverse as MacOsx, HyperTextMarkupLanguage, JavaLanguage/JavaPlatform and PhotoShop.
- If SelfLanguage were added, it would link up to SmalltalkLanguage, and down to the AppleNewton. There are similar diagrams with narrower focus (only ProgrammingLanguages or only OperatingSystems). -- Certainly; one of the reasons I like the Bushy Tree is that it cuts across those (and other) categories.
Silly but half serious question: Is the tree called "bushy" because of the branching or because the root is VannevarBush? -- Shurely a pun? The moniker seems to be DigiBarn's coining, a quick Google doesn't turn up any other sources for it.
Also, IIRC, the Cedar project (where Modula-2 was born) eventually begat the Oberon System project too, which also draws from Simula too. --SamuelFalvo
In 2008 the Bushy Tree begot a new WikiaWiki, the BushyTreeWiki :
See also HyperTextHistory