The Broccoli Principle is: It doesn't matter how healthy it is if they won't eat it. -- DaleEmery
This informs the use of a TwoByFour.
Humorous aside:
It doesn't matter that they won't eat it as long as we make sure the people who do, survive and the others, don't. Also known as: TheNaturalSelectionPrinciple.
Actually if you have to make sure, then it's no longer natural. It's artificial.
[Avoiding broccoli doesn't kill people before they can reproduce. No natural selection. The same goes for all sorts of activities or lack thereof that shorten human life spans. Genes for sitting in front of a computer and eating potato chips and candy bars replicate without too much trouble.]
I hate broccoli. And yet... in a certain sense... I am broccoli. -- TheTick
Perhaps TheNaturalSelectionPrinciple is responsible for the fact that we don't like broccoli. Taste is a highly evolved mechanism to make us avoid eating things that are poisonous. They say broccoli never killed anyone, but why risk it?
Evolution has nothing to do with it, cooking does. I have lived in both US and Asia, the way broccoli is cooked in the US (usually just boiled) made sure it tastes awful (applies to any other vegetables too), try broccoli in a Chinese/Japanese/Vietnamese/Korean/any asian restaurant, it will taste much better.
Definitely. Broccoli should be eaten lightly steamed, or raw - never overcooked. -- MikeSmith
Then you are lucky. Broccoli are meant to be eaten and you will not eat something you hate, will you ? -- BellyButtonXY
CategoryAntiPattern -- sort of