Database and Web Developer in Hillsboro, Oregon.
I spend most of my time creating Microsoft Access applications for small businesses. I am coming up to speed on ColdFusion and using FuseBox methodologies. My background is not programming but visual arts. So my forte is UserInterface.
I am in the process of building a WikiEngine in AllaireColdFusion with the help of Patrick McElhaney and Lee Borkman. Partly because it hasn't been done yet (to the best of knowledge) and partly because those of us in the FuseBox community would like to twist it into a tool for creating WireFrames. If you would like to try it out, I have one up at
I have attended a couple of PortlandXpUsersGroup meetings and I caught Wards presentation on Wiki at ChiFoo a while back.
I am interested in learning more about UniversalDataModel.