Brain Mapping

last modified: February 28, 2010

A synonym for the process of creating MindMaps.

See also for real BrainMapping (fMRI studies)

A new variation of fMRI called MRM gives much higher resolution, for instance the Rat Brain

Actually, MRM (Magnetic Resonance Microscopy) and fMRI (Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) are related only in the use of MRI as the basic imaging technology. MRM is basically just high-resolution MRI (a gross oversimplification of the technical obstacles that my friends at Duke would abhor), while fMRI uses the changes in image intensity due to varying blood oxygenation to locate areas of brain activity. In theory, one could do fMRI at ultra-high resolution, but I believe there may be some physical reasons why it wouldn't work (it's been some number of years since I last worked in the area). Nevertheless, the Duke images are spectacular! -- GeoffSobering

or even insects

One wonders if at these increasing resolutions detailed workings of NeuralNetworks in vivo can begin to be explored. The advantage of fMRI techniques is that is is non-invasive and does not require ingesting radioactive substances, unlike PET.

