Boost For Dummies

last modified: December 16, 2014

BoostForDummies is the manual that does not yet exist for the BoostLibraries

The reason it is needed is because the manuals are written mainly by the developers of the libraries and often do not explain clearly how to use the libraries.

The examples given are incomplete because the CeePlusPlus headers needed are not given fully.

Examples are written when the library is developed and sometimes not checked when the library is updated.

There is a need for code which starts easy and leads the user deeper in by stages.

The best thing I can do is help to build something like this myself. -- JohnFletcher

I should mention BeyondTheCppStandardLibrary which does something in this direction. It is not recent (2006).

A new idea which may help with the development of this idea: TipsForBoostLibraries.

