Creator of ViEditor, CeeShell, single largest contributor to Berkeley Unix (ancestor of NetBsd, OpenBsd), etc. Also, co-founder of SunMicrosystems.
Can you imagine what it must have been like to work on the source for a screen editor without one. all too well :-S ThankYou Bill for all you did in the QuarterCenturyOfUnix.
Why imagine?
He's also overly worried about robots: "The Future Doesn't Need Us"
- He indefinitely delayed plans to release a book-length treatment; locked away in a NY hotel room for isolation to work on the manuscript, a week into the writing, the infamous 9/11 attack happened, making him realize that a warning/wake-up call was not necessary, and that instead something more like a comprehensive policy plan/advice was in order. No word since then on the topic.
'says you when the gray cloud of nanobots comes to rearrange every molecule in your body into BillGates' personal earth-sized supercomputer. If Gates doesn't like you, he might decide to run windows ME on your spleen'
Naw, GreyGooIsEasilyContained.
As of 9/9/03, BillJoy has announced his departure from SunMicrosystems.