Bill Eddins

last modified: June 1, 2000

Describe BillEddins here. He is curious about the strangest things - like why does it take a neophyte programmer so long to understand simple concepts like variables, loops, modules, and (now his most recent concept) objects? He also likes to forget the strangest things by forgetting himself in a good movie, a football game, an in-depth argument, a long love session, or a good bottle of beer. In doing so, he comes to realize new concepts himself - like the pervasiveness of certain images (like the trip - I just saw Water World and predict that it will become a cult favorite) - wow there he goes again. Maybe that's what learning is all about and why it is so difficult to teach new concepts - people have a great deal of reluctance to forget themselves.

Anyway, he got into this thing by reading about patterns - what a great way to open up the discussion. He immediately put this series of pages in his favorites - and will be back when he has something more substantial to say.

Later, BE

